So it turns out Mr. Sunshine felt that we were ready on Christmas as the proposal was on Christmas Day. He was so excited it was keeping me excited and we both were up at 4 am. (I know, so sad). We decided to have coffee and open presents because neither of us were going back to sleep. We sat around the tree and opened up our gifts with the CityTV's Christmas Log in the background. At the very end of opening our gifts Mr. Sunshine said that there was one more, but I had to go on a hunt to get it.
If you know me, this was cool for me. Really, really, REALLY cool for me! He gave me a card (a nice, sweet, romantic card!) and inside it sent me to "my greatest accomplishment" (which I know he thinks of my degrees) and I searched high and low. After about 30 seconds I found an extra frame on the wall. It had an envelope inside with my name on it. I took it off the wall and opened it up. Inside was a card and inside that was another actual romantic card (I was so impressed!) there was the beginning of my favourite song, Love Like Crazy. It told me to go find him and also said "Love Like....", so you know I went running top speed back to the family room, big smile on my face and emotional as all hell, since I knew he had been looking at rings in November.
I got back to the family room and heard this...
He was on one knee in the family room with a t-shirt that said Crazy. He pulled out his hand and there was a stupid ratchet in it! Underneath was the ring. I'm about 95% sure he said something to the effect of "Will you marry me?", but I was crying and he was crying and it was all wayyyyyy too much for 5 am. We danced to our song and then, eventually, headed back to bed!
That ratchet he fake proposed with every day? It's hanging on our Christmas tree. I told Mr. Sunshine he could buy a whole new ratchet set, but there was no way he was taking that memory from me...
I'd like to say that our first dance will be to "Love Like Crazy", because that was our intentions. A few weeks ago, however, Mr. Sunshine told me he was going to throw a wrench in our plans because he found an even more perfect song. And, needless to say, he did. Not only did he find a great new song, but one off the album of one of my current favourite country artists. So we will dance our first dance as husband and wife to "Hey Pretty Girl" (the acoustic version below) instead.
How was your proposal story?
~Miss. Sunshine