Mr. S and I haven't spent any time together since Wednesday. I'd love to blame Mr. S or myself, but it was really just a matter of schedules. In the morning he leaves at 6 for work and I get up just after he walks out the door, so the mornings are a bust. On Thursday this week I had parent council until 9:30 and he was almost asleep when I got home and then yesterday he worked overtime and I was asleep when he came home. This morning Mr. S did even more overtime, so I didn't get a chance to see him until 1:30, then he napped, and finally we have together time.
As much as I missed the poor man, I loved all that I was able to accomplish with him gone today! Here's my schedule...
7:30-8:00: Wake up, make coffee, put in a load of laundry.
8:00-9:30: Drink coffee, continue flipping laundry, play Mario Bros obsessively, screaming at the tv when I die
9:30-9:45: Get dressed, fold some laundry, brush my teeth.
9:45-10:30: Take puppies to the vet for heartworm test and medication. By myself. Did I mention J is now 79lbs and O is now 72 lbs? That's a lot of dog for one sick girl!
10:30-12:00: Play Super Mario Bros. (I seriously have a problem right now...)
12:00-1:00: Dishes, laundry, fold laundry, put laundry away, vacuum, tidy.
1:00-1:30: Super Mario Bros. (I told you!)
1:30-2:00: Eat lunch with Mr. Sunshine.
2:00-5:00: Watch Independence Day while Mr. Sunshine sleeps and do sporadic cleaning that I can do near the tv.
5:00-6:00: Watch tv and make dinner.
6:00-7:00: Finish cleaning, kill ants, kill spiders, go on computer.
~Projected that 7:00-9:00 will be cuddling and watching a movie together. Ahhh, romance....
Did you read that last part? Kill ants? I have to tell you about this. I went to go on the computer around 6:45 and I notice this weird black marks on the carpet. I walk over and they are ANTS!!! Big, black ants. In fact, about 30-40 big, black ants! I screamed to Mr. Sunshine and he helped me stomp them with a shoe and suck them up with a vacuum. Our newest delimma is how to kill the damned ants that return without killing the dogs. Unfortunately O really enjoys eating ant traps.
Another day in the life...
~Miss. Sunshine