
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wedding. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The top 10 reasons I haven't wrote in over a month.

Man I have been a BAD, BAD, BAAAAD blogger.

But I have lots of excuses. So, in no particular order (and to kick off my blogging again), let the list begin!

10. I am working at school. Okay, okay. So maybe this isn't the greatest excuse, but as a teacher (especially in a new school), I actually HAVE been to the school lots.... in the last week. Doesn't really excuse the time before that where I was home, but whatever. I'm adding it.

9. I have been spending time with my husband. I have! I swear! We got back from our honeymoon on August 10th and he didn't go back to work until August 27. That was a long, LONG time to spend together, for the record.

8. I was really sick. The day we came home from our honeymoon, I felt funny. By that night I had a fever of over 102, was hot and cold, sweating and shivering, and all over in bad shape. It took a good week to feel normal again.

7. My mom and dad moved. I know that doesn't REALLY relate to me, but we helped them and it was exhausting!

6. My sister had some projects for me to do. I'm seriously running out of excuses, but I did spend three entire days painting, prepping and recovering.

5. We put an offer in on a house (and have the final stuff on Tuesday!). This is both exciting and terrifying! As we started house hunting, that has actually taken up a lot of time, especially since Mr. Sunshine would willingly admit I'm the financial guru in this joint.

4. The paperwork! Oh the paperwork! If you have ever had an offer accepted on a house, you will know that the resulting paperwork and running around is insane. I literally had two days where I got on the road at 9 am and arrived back home at 2 pm, having burned through a half tank of gas. It was nutty. I didn't eat.

3. I was on my honeymoon. I was! I promise! And it was FANTASTIC! Expect some recapping and pictures soon!

2. Lots of visitors=lots of cleaning. Ironically, none of those visitors actually stepped foot in my house, but I swear my house has never been so clean.

1. I GOT MARRIED! Okay, maybe there was SOME order. But seriously! I'm a Mrs. now! As a result, I am stress free!

Be prepared though... A recap complete with taxi cabs, trees being cut down, incorrect flowers and hot sweaty people will be up soon!

~Mrs. Sunshine